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Developer Guide

This is an overview of all the important configurations and features in the current platform.

JWT Keys

All APIs use Json Web Tokens (JWT) to authenticate user requests, the keys need to be signed with a key, the APIs use a asymmetric signing scheme in order to allow only the main API (api-nei) to generate new tokens (using the private key) and all others APIs to validate those tokens (using only the public key).

The signing algorithm currently used is ES512, this requires generating a pair of secp521r1 (521-bit prime field Weierstrass curve) keys this can be done with openssl:

# For generating private keys
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp521r1 -noout -out <path to private key>
# For generating public keys
openssl ec -in <path to private key> -pubout -out <path to public key> 

Afterwards the APIs can be configured with the path to the public key through the JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH environment variable, additionally the private key can be configured trough the JWT_SECRET_KEY_PATH environment variable.

For the crypto nerds 🤓

ECDSA can be broken if the nonce is reused between messages, but this shouldn't be an issue because the library we are using generates the nonce according to RFC 6979 which is a deterministic procedure which also takes into account the message so the generated values should always be different for different messages.

A better option would be to use EdDSA key like Ed25519 which is designed in a way that doesn't present this issue, but the library we use for generating tokens doesn't support these keys.


The main api (api-nei) can be configured to send emails, currently they are used for:

  • Account registration confirmation

By default emails are disabled in order to enable them the EMAIL_ENABLED environment enabled needs to be set to True (case-sensitive), furthermore the following environment variables need to be configured in order to authenticate with an smtp server to send emails:

  • EMAIL_SENDER_ADDRESS should be set to the email address from where emails will originate
  • EMAIL_SMTP_HOST is the address of the smtp server
  • EMAIL_SMTP_PORT (optional, defaults to 587) the port of the smtp server to use
  • EMAIL_SMTP_USER the username to use when authenticating with the smtp server
  • EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD the password to use when authenticating with the smtp server


These are the instructions on how to setup the Gmail email to use with the api.

First create a gmail account like normal, afterwards setup a no reply filter in the inbox to ensure that any inbound emails are discarded, otherwise the inbox might fill up and outgoing emails might have issues.

This can be done by following these steps: - Log in the account - On the gmail web interface click on the settings icon (gear wheel) on the top right of the page. - This will open the quick settings pane on the right, click on "See all settings" on the top of the pane. - Afterwards click on the "Filters and blocked addresses" tab. - Click on the "Create a new filter" link. - This will bring a modal with some fields, fill only the "To" field with the address of the account (don't fill any other fields) and click on "Create filter". - A dropdown will appear with actions to take, select "Delete it" and click on "Create filter" again.

Additionally an automatic message can be sent, for this a template must be created first:

  • Click on "Compose" on the top left of the interface.
  • Write the subject and body of the email.
  • Afterwards click on the three dots on the toolbar on the bottom of the compose window.
  • This will bring an options menu, afterwards select "templates" and "Save draft as template".

Finally edit the filter to also include the "Send template" action.

Then in order to get the smtp credentials an app password needs to be created, to do this, goto then to security and create an app password (this requires that the account has two factor authentication enabled). The resulting code will be the smtp password so the configuration becomes:

  • EMAIL_SENDER_ADDRESS the email address of the gmail account
  • EMAIL_SMTP_PORT 587 (default)
  • EMAIL_SMTP_USER the email address of the gmail account
  • EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD the generated app password


The main api (api-nei) can be configured to validate reCaptcha tokens emitted by the frontend, currently only the following operations support reCaptchas:

  • Account registration (threshold set trough the RECAPTCHA_REGISTER_THRESHOLD environment variable)

(All operations have by default their thresholds set to 0.5)

By default reCaptchas are disabled in order to enable them the RECAPTCHA_ENABLED environment enabled needs to be set to True (case-sensitive), furthermore the following environment variables need to be configured in order to authenticate with google's reCaptcha v3 api:

  • RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY should be set to the reCaptcha's secret key for the site